TO ACKNOWLEDGE that right now I'm not super focused on what "on paper" I feel like I should pump out content or try and fill your news feed with all that you “should” put in your body.
A path none of us have ever really experienced before.
IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY - one that you get to choose to take in any way that sits right with you.
For me that has looked like taking a lot of rest and tuning in to me. what I want my world to look like when all the obligations, frills and expectations are lowered.
I’m not 100% sure what that is right now.
But I do know that Fuelling My Body With Purpose does matter to me.
However, the answer to that looks different for each of us and always will.
In fact, that answer is different for me now than it was a week or a month ago!
Without judgement or expectation, and ask your body what it needs.
Ask yourself what YOU need. And just go with that.
You are heard. You are loved.
And if you feel like chatting about it, just give me a call.
I can’t promise to have the answer, but I can promise to listen x