
Quite often I get asked…

“If I could do one thing today to improve my health what would it be?”

So I thought, why not give three. 

Nothing drastic, just a few easy things that have helped me feel better, lighter and happier throughout my journey. 


I know, I know.  We’ve all heard it thousands of times. 

But...can I ask... Are you doing it?

Every day I ask people how much water they drink, and more times than not, the answer is something along the lines of “not enough” or “maybe a litre if I’m being generous”.

Hydration is so crucial for:

  • Mental clarity

  • Energy

  • Weight loss

  • Digestion

  • Skin health

  • Recovery 

And so much more!  It really is the key to EVERYTHING! So PLEASE drink up!

If you need some ideas on how to increase your hydration, watch my IGTV video BELOW…


If you have consumed any of my content, then you know I believe ensuring you are eating enough fibre is essential if you want to feel good on a daily basis.

You see fibre, cannot be digested by the body. 

Because of this, fibre passes through the digestive and exits the body, without your body being able to store it as fat or for use later on.  

So why have it at all?

Firstly, fibre is an excellent way to bulk up meals, without consuming “empty calories”, this in turn helps to increase metabolism and satiate hunger.  

Also, as fibre travels through your digestive system, it swells, absorbing excess calories and fat from other foods, before your body is able to and carries them out of the body with it, which is why those of us consuming high fibre diets rarely feel bloated.

Lastly, fibre slows down our digestion, supports blood sugar levels and therefore can help to curb sugar cravings and sustain energy levels easier.

I speak about fibre A LOT.

There are lots of great ways to include fibre in your diet, to start why not try my flax seed crackers, they are full of fibre and a great way to hit that salty, crunchy craving…

Healthy Fats

Ok last... but definitely not least, healthy fats.

Consuming a diet rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats has been linked to:

  • Heart health

  • Healthy cholesterol

  • Skin health

  • Weight control

  • Increased energy

  • Mental clarity

  • Appetite control

  • Emotional health

  • Hormone control

Again, the list goes on. 

For me, if I do not consume enough healthy fats I notice I get sluggish, my skin flares up, my emotional and mental health is effected and all round I just feel blah. 

So which fats should I eat?

I suggest including:

  • Nuts

  • Avocado

  • Olive oil

  • Seeds

  • Fish

  • Eggs

Tune in, how do these foods feel in your body?

I like to make a delicious green smoothie every day to hit tick all these boxes first thing in the morning, you can watch it here:

If you have any questions or need help creating some healthy habits, leave me a comment below or book a 15 minute consult to see if I can help!

Sarah x
